Michael Rapaport To Train Israeli Forces In Verbal Assault Tactics

GAZA – In a bid to increase the IDF’s intimidation factor during its war against terrorist group Hamas, the Israeli Army has recruited American actor Michael Rapaport to train combat units in a special type of verbal Warfare that he has developed. 

The following is an excerpt from a training video that we have been permitted to review. 

“HAHAHAHAHAHA you stupid Hamas terrorist fucks. You piss-bag dumb-fuck know-nothing sacks of shit. You still got that championship feeling from when you tore down the fence and went on a rampage? You still got that? Well remember that feeling you fuck. Remember that feeling cause that’s the last fucking time you’re gonna feel like that.

You dumb fuck. You stupid dumbfuck shitlipping pisswhopper I swear to god. We’re coming for you and all your terrorist friends, fuckrag. This is our country. Our country you fuck. You had your country and you turned it into a dickshitting dick hole full of dicks. Dick. Fuck. I swear to shit if you shit the fuck so help me fuck it’s shitting fuck.”

Initial battlefield tests indicate that hearing this verbal tirade causes the enemy to immediately fucking shit themselves.

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