Diwali Criticized In New York Times For De-Centering Black and Palestinian Lived Experience

Oppressive Diwali Candles

NEW YORK – New York Times columnist Wokely Folxeson contributed a poignant essay this past Monday pointing out the hypocrisy in celebrating a completely unrelated holiday like the Hindu festival of Diwali without centering Black and Palestinian lived experiences. Below is an excerpt from this timely piece:

“In an attempt to intersectionally integrate the perceived, yet embodied, injustices of simultaneous assimilated whiteness and oppressive structures of masculine paternal identity, the power dynamics inherent in the cultural acknowledgement of marginalization in a society too far disenfranchised from its benign (but hostile) progressiveness cannot (and should not) abide any de-centering of lived experience whatsoever.

Can we further unpack this? It needs explication”

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