Qatar Threatens Hamas With No Nintendo Time Before Bed If They Don’t Agree To Hostage Release

DOHA – In a late-night press release The Kingdom of Qatar has issued an ultimatum to Hamas leadership indicating that they must release all Israeli hostages immediately or Nintendo time before bed for them will be cancelled.

It is unclear how the terrorist group will respond given their recent history of listening problems at school, not sharing nicely with their sister, and temper tantrums. However, the international community is hopeful that they will finally be able to smarten up and start acting like a big boy.

As of publication time, Hamas was reportedly “sooooo close to the boss of the game, I can’t believe you would dooo this, I hate you Qataaar” and had thrown a book across the room, knocking over their Al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade action figures.

Geopolitical analysts anticipate that this move by Qatar will at the very least pressure Hamas into thinking long and hard about what they’ve done and make some behavior changes if they want to go to Disney World during Spring Break.

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